电子报 正體版

11月29日加拿大新唐人晚会收到总督米歇尔.让(Michaelle Jean)的贺信,赞扬该晚会带给加拿大社会“独特的贡献”。

多伦多新唐人晚会的筹备者Carolyn Jin 29日向大纪元证实,已收到加拿大总督发来的贺信。总督在信中对新唐人晚会的筹备者和观众表达了祝贺后,称“我鼓励你们把(晚会)同你们的同胞分享,并利用一切机会用你们独特的贡献为加拿大社会增加活力。”(I encourage you to share it with your fellow citizens and to take every opportunity of enlivening our society with your unique contributions)

米歇尔在信中表示,“男女老幼都能从这一天中获得一种感受——我们在建设一个更好的加拿大。人们可以欢庆他们独特的东西并成为更大的社区的一部分。” (Each person-woman, man or child-can take away from this day a sense that we are creating a better Canada, where people can rejoice in their distinctiveness, while at the same time being a part of a larger community.)



It is a pleasure to send my greetings to the organizers and guests of the New Tang Dynasty Television Chinese New Year Spectacular.

All across this country, Canadians of Chinese descent, their families and their friends will be celebrating this New Year, the year of the Pig. it is a time of renewal, of hope and of vision. It is also a time to celebrate Chinese culture and history with all Canadians. Your story is our story, and I encourage you to share it with your fellow citizens and to take every opportunity of enlivening our society with your unique contributions

Each person-woman, man or child-can take away from this day a sense that we are creating a better Canada, where people can rejoice in their distinctiveness, while at the same time being a part of a larger community.

I share your wish for peace, prosperity and happiness in the year to come.

Michaelle Jean





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