电子报 正體版


2007年7月3日,法轮功受迫害真相联合调查团(CIPFG)欧洲分团在伦敦外国记者俱乐部召开新闻发布会,正式宣布启动欧洲"人权圣火"计划。"人权圣火全球巡回传递活动"通过圣火在全球的传递揭露中共的暴行及反人类罪行,呼吁国际社会拒绝让象征人类和平的奥运变成"血腥奥运(Bloody Harvest Games)"。








王文怡 (美国芝加哥大学神经学博士、病理学家,美国)
伍 凡 (《中国事务》主编,美国)
安 琪 (《看中国》主编,美国)
仲维光 (自由思想研究者,德国)
李大勇 (全球退党服务中心,美国)
李天笑 (美国哥伦比亚大学政治学博士,美国)
明居正 (国立台湾大学政治学系教授,台湾)
周 建 (全美学自联主席,美国)
草庵居士 (经济政治评论家,美国)
郭国汀 (人权律师,加拿大)
袁红冰 (《自由圣火》主编,澳洲)
唐柏桥 (《中国和平民主联盟》主席,美国)
盛 雪 (作家,加拿大)
黄 翔 (诗人,美国)
梁裕峰 (全球审江大联盟负责人,美国)
陈泱潮 (宗教学、政治学研究者,丹麦)
张清溪 (国立台湾大学经济学系教授,台湾)
费良勇 (民阵主席、核子科学家,德国)
熊 焱 (六四学生领袖之一,美国)
贾 甲 (前中国山西省科技专家协会秘书长,海外)
谢 田 (美国爵硕大学商学院教授,美国)

执笔者 伍凡 Wu, Fan (Chris Wu)


To: President George W. Bush
The Whitehouse,
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC. 20500

From: Wu, Fan (Chris Wu)
355 Aliso Street, Monterey Park, CA. 91754
Tel: 626-458-1020, Fax: 626-281-8108, E-mail: [email protected]

Re: FUTURE CHINA FORUM's Appeal to President Bush for the "Global Human Rights Torch Relay" Program

Dear President Bush:

On May 30, 2007, the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG), North America Branch, made three demands to the Communist Party Regime of China: 1.) Release all Falun Gong practitioners in custody. 2.) Stop persecuting and harassing all lawyers and people who take a stand for justice (such as Attorney Gao Zhisheng, Li Hong, etc) and who support and protect Falun Gong practitioners' human rights. 3.) Allow the international community independent and unrestricted access in order to perform an investigation into the allegations of organ harvesting.

If the Communist Party Regime of China does not consent to the above three righteous demands by August 8, 2007, the CIPFG will launch a global boycott of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and will support Congressman Rohrabacher's House Resolution regarding the Beijing Olympics.

On July 3, 2007, the CIPFG, Europe Branch, held a news conference at the Foreign Correspondents Club in London announcing Europe's "Human Rights Torch Relay" program. The "Global Human Rights Torch Relay" program will expose the atrocities and crimes against humanity that the Communist Party in China has committed, and will appeal to the international community that the peaceful symbol of the Olympics should not become the "Bloody Harvest Games."

Honorable President Bush, we are writing to you to appeal for your support of the "Global Human Rights Torch Relay," as it will awaken the people of the world to China's abysmal human rights. Boycotting the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing is a boycott of Communism.

In last century, America effectively and successfully led the boycott against the anti-human-rights and anti-democracy Olympics on two occasions.

In 1980, America and other countries called on the world to boycott the Moscow Olympics due to the Soviet Union's dispatch of troops to Afghanistan in 1979. As a result, a majority of countries didn't participate in the Olympic Games that year.

In 1988 South Korea hosted the Olympic Games. At that time, South Korea was a closed society under a military autocratic monarch. After America and other countries protested, South Korea was forced to open its door to democracy and freedom. Since then, South Korea has made great progress in freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and the holding of free elections. South Korea has moved towards democracy.

The 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing has a special meaning to China and the Chinese people. Our hope is that Beijing Olympics will be like the Seoul Olympics, that China will move toward freedom, democracy, human rights and a constitutional state. We are not willing to see the Beijing Olympics become another Berlin Olympics, taking China backwards to arms expansion, military preparedness, and the dark road of ever expanding control.

We hope the Beijing Olympics will be held in a new China without the Communist Party. This is the fundamental view point of the "Future China Forum" in regards to the Beijing Olympics. Without the Communist Party, China will be a new country. It will contribute to harmony and world peace, not threaten it.

Yours sincerely,

The Sponsors of the "Future China Forum":

Wang, Wenyi, M.D. (Ph D of Neurology of University of Chicago, pathologist, USA)
Wu, Fan ( Chief Editor of "China Affairs", USA)
An, Qi ( Chief Editor of " Secret China", USA)
Zhong, Weiguang (Freelance ideology researcher, Germany)
Li, Dayong (Global Service Centre for Quitting the CCP, USA)
Li, Tianxiao (Ph. D of Political Science of Columbia University, USA)
Min, Juzheng (Professor of Political Science of National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Zhou, Jian (Chairman of Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars of America, USA)
Hermitage Scholar (Commentator on Economics and Politics, USA)
Guo, Guoting (Human Rights Attorney, Canada)
Yuan, Hongbing ( Chief Editor of "Fire of Liberty", Australia)
Tang, Boqiao ( Chairman of United China of Peace and Democracy, USA)
Shen, Xue (Writer, Canada)
Huang, Xiang (Poet, USA)
Liang, Yufeng (Organizer of "Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice" , USA)
Chen, Yangchao (Researcher of religion and political science, Denmark)
Zhang, Qingxi ( Professor of Economics of National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Fei, Liangyong (Chairman of Front for Democracy, Nuclear Scientist , Germany)
Xiong, Yan ( Student Leader of the June 4th Movement of 1989, USA)
Jia, Jia ( Former Secretary General of the Association of Science and Technology Experts of Shanxi Province of China, overseas)
Xie, Tian ( Assistant Professor of LeBow College of Business, Drexel University)

Drafted by Wu, Fan (Chris Wu)







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