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5月17日(星期六)下午,我參加了在紐約法拉盛舉辦的聲援 3600萬人退出中共的集會。參加演講的數位演講者首先向在5月12日四川大地震中死去致哀。演講者述說了中共統治中國後,造成8千萬中國人非正常死亡。一位來自新澤西的醫生揭露了中共活體摘取法輪功學員器官這個駭人聽聞的迫害。


5月18日,我和往常一樣在九評點做義工,發資料。這時有聚集了大約200-300 名華人,部份人對我們這些義工大聲謾罵,阻止我們散發揭露中共迫害的資料。後來警察要求我們撤離,我們也配合警察的要求,離開了。




親愛的總統,我的二個兒子正在伊拉克爲美國人正義和自由之夢而勇敢的戰鬥,但是他們的母親,卻在美國國土上, 當我行使憲法賦予我的權力--言論自由時,卻遭受中共特務的毆打和威脅。

親愛的總統,政府對於其公民的生命安全負有保護責任,我請求您立刻採取有效的行動保護我們- 您的士兵的家庭。


Judy 陳


Date: May 20, 2008

Honorable President George W. Bush,

This is an urgent call for your help to protect me from life-threatening situation.

My name is Judy Chen. I'm a lawful US citizen, and a mother of three, living in Flushing, New York. I always feel so proud of my two elderly sons that they are in the Marines and serve our country now, in IRAQ. They love me a lot and they are devoting themselves to protect our country and protect me. When they joined the troop to IRAQ, I didn't feel any sorrow or concern; instead, I just encouraged them to courageously fulfill their commitment and return with honor.

I love this land, and deeply enjoy the freedom in US. Yet, my relatives in Communist China all suffered through persecution during the Culture Revolution. Thus, I disgust the Communism from the bottom of my heart.

From year 2005, my husband and I decided to be the volunteers of the Global Service Center of Quitting the Chinese Communist Party (GSC-QCCP) in Flushing NY. We have been running the information booth in front of the Queens library ever since, to raise public awareness of the Chinese Communist Party's evil nature. We have been doing this seriously and have never missed even a single day.

On the Saturday afternoon of May 17th, 2008, GSC-QCCP held an event to recognize and support the 36 millions Chinese people's who have announced their withdrawal from the CCP. In this rally, several speakers expressed their condolence over the large amount of people died in the Sichuan earthquake on May 12. Meanwhile, they pointed out that over 80 millions of Chinese have died abnormally in China in the past few decades, due to waves of political persecutions by Chinese Communist Party. One doctor from New Jersey also testified the horrible on-going crime of harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners who are being persecuted in China.

Then, to my surprise, during the rally a group of Chinese who holding the red flags, shouting, yelling and harassing our rally group. And they went as far as beating a retired Chinese engineer in his 70s. All the pro-democracy activists, Falun Gong practitioners and others who support a free China, all responded to this violence with great restrain and peace. It was reported later on that some of these people are organized and hired by the Chinese community groups that are supporting the communist regime.

On May 18, I went to our GSC-QCCP exhibition site as usual, distributing materials as a volunteer. Then, about 200-300 Chinese gathered around us, some of them started to loudly curse us and tried to hinder us from distributing materials that exposed the crimes of Communist regime. This incident soon drew police attention. We temporarily left our site under the request of local police who wanted to protect us.

On May 19, I came to the same site to distribute materials. Similar situation occurred again. Some of these pro-communist Chinese continued to curse us and harass us. The police used barricade to prevent them from hitting our volunteers. Then, around 11am, one mid-age lady started to loudly curse people, and I tried to take a photo of on-site scenes. She immediately rushed over, trying to take away my camera. I tried very hard to protect my camera, but got beaten by this lady. She beaten my head, hit my neck, grabbed my hand, using very barbarous actions to beat me with her fists. I was painfully injured in my hand and mouth, with scars over my hand from her scratching with her fingernails.

She beaten me and cursed us at the same time. After hitting my twice with her fists, she even boldly threatened me, saying: I'm a US citizen, I could dare to kill you. Then, a guy next to her also echoed: Be careful, I want to kill you. He even said: Let me take a good look of your face, I'll kill you.

I'm a US citizen, in this land of US, got beaten by Communist agents due to my own peaceful belief, even have to face the threaten of taking my life away. I felt that my safety is in jeopardy. I also was informed that the head of the Communist Spy system, Zhou Yong Kang is actively illegally arresting a lot of Falun Gong practitioners inside China, and he also planned the attacks of Quitting Communist Party rallied held in San Francisco, Hong Kong and other cities. This violence in Flushing is likely part of his systematic arrangement.

Dear President, my sons are fighting bravely in IRAQ, for the American's dream of justice and freedom. But I, their mom, was beaten and threatened by Chinese special agents while I was practicing the freedom of expression on the land of United States. How could this be allowed to happen in the land of free?

If I did not get sufficient protection right now, how would my two sons respond to this incident when they come back from IRAQ ?

Dear President, as the government has the responsibility to protect its citizen's life safety, I urgently request you to take immediate action to protect me and my family, the family of your honored soldiers.


Judy Chen
New York City






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