【人民报消息】这是一部中、英双语版系统地揭露中共活摘法轮功学员器官国家群体灭绝犯罪的大型教学片。影片呈现了追查国际十多年来对中共活摘调查的主要证据。其中包括对5名中共中央政治局常委、军委副主席、国防部长、军方总后勤部卫生部部长、政法委、“610”、法院、活摘现场目击者、全国41家器官移植医院的45个院长、主任、医生等调查录音。是全面了解和深入研究中共活摘罪行的大型速成资料片。 第四集 内容提要 Executive summary: 本节呈现的是,2018年10月19日至12月2日,追查国际对中国11个省、直辖市活摘器官调查取证现场录像和录音。 In this episode, we will present to you the video footage of the live organ harvesting investigation conducted by WOIPFG in 11 provinces and central government directly-controlled municipalities in China from October 19 to December 2, 2018. 1. 17个电话调查,对每个被调查者,我都问他们:“你们是还在用法轮功学员器官对吧?”的问题,有10人(涉及9家医院)做了肯定回答,其它人中6人回答含糊其辞,答非所问,没有明确否认,只有1人否认。 In response to the question “Are you still using organs from Falun Gong practitioners?” 10 investigated individuals (from nine hospitals) gave affirmative answers, Six individuals’ responses were vague, providing irrelevant answers, but they didn’t deny having used Falun Gong practitioners’ organs. Only one person denied it. 2. 17人无一例外,都承诺尽快来,1-2周可安排手术。上海仁济医院肝移植中心主任杭化莲说:“明天过来找我,我争取一个礼拜之内帮你搞定!”山东烟台毓璜顶医院肾移植科主任柳东夫:“这个快的话,可能明天就有啊!” 。 All of the 17 people assured the caller that a surgery could be scheduled within one to two weeks and asked the patient to go to their hospitals as soon as possible. For example, Hang Hualian, chief medical officer of the Liver Transplantation Surgery Department at Shanghai Renji Hospital, said, “Come and look for me tomorrow. I’ll try my best to get it done for you within one week.” Liu Dongfu, director of kidney transplantation at Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital, said, “If it’s quick, we might have (the organ) tomorrow!” 3. 本案例17个电话调查,涉及13家医院,分布在三个直辖市和八个省的主要城市。有北京、天津、上海、烟台、郑州、杭州、长沙、南京、湘雅、广州、桂林等,由北向南穿越整个中国。 The 17 telephone investigations were conducted on 13 hospitals in major cities of 11 provinces and central government directly-controlled municipalities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Yantai, Zhengzhou, Hangzhou, Changsha, Nanjing, Xiangya, Guangzhou and Guilin. The area investigated spans from north to south and across the entire China. 4. 被调查者大多是中国顶级器官移植医院的院长、主任,很多是国家器官移植专业领域的项目负责人、国家级省级技术专家。甚至,有的还是迫害法轮功专职机构的负责人。 The individuals investigated are all presidents and directors of top-level organ transplant hospitals in China. Many are responsible for state-level projects in the field of organ transplantation, and there are also national and provincial-level technical experts. Some are even in charge of organizations dedicated to the persecution of Falun Gong. 5. 这次调查使用省级“610办公室”主要领导身份,调查的成功,这也证明了政法委“610办公室”系统在活摘法轮功学员器官犯罪运动中的重要地位和作用。 The success of this investigation by pretending to be a provincial-level “610 Office” official also proves that the “610 Office” system plays an important role in the operation of the crime of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. 6. 部分调查是在新唐人电视台的演播室进行的,调查全程录像,同时调查现场还有长期关注活摘器官的时事评论员等嘉宾现场目击见证。 Some of the phone investigations were conducted in the studio of the New Tang Television Station (NTDTV), and the entire investigation process was videotaped. At the same time, there were also several current affairs commentators, who had been focusing on the issue of live organ harvesting for a long period of time, witnessing the investigation process on site.
【铁证如山系列讲座】第04集追查国际对11个省直辖市活摘器官调查取证现场录像Episode 4: Organ Harvesting Cases from 11 Regions: Video |