
STATEMENT OF CHEN YONGLINJune 13, 2005 Since I walked out of the prison of the Chinese Consulate, I have received overwhelming support and assistance from the people of Australia and the people around the world. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincerest gratitude to all of you. My conscience pushed me to leave the Chinese Communist regime and free myself from the evil control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). You support s valuable, and it gives me more strength and courage. I have been struggling for freedom for yeas. My action demonstrates the ruling CCP is unable to control the conscience of the people of China. Those innocent souls caged in the CCP machine, should free themselves out of the spirit bondage and the Party chains. Now it s the time to smash and break the chains holding your body and soul, and embrace a life of freedom, as I did, walking out of shadows into a new life, no matter how difficult it is. Let the justice and human rights prevail. Let us be brave and join hands together to shake off all the fear, terror and grief laid upon us by the ruling Communist regime in China. Democracy and human rights are what we Chinese need urgently. Let us free ourselves at last. Thank you.

根據英文翻譯中文如下:陳用林聲明 2005年6月13日 自從我離開中領館這座監獄,我得到了澳洲人民和全世界人民的巨大支援和幫助。藉此機會我想表達對所有支持我的人們最誠摯的感謝。 我的良知驅使我離開中共政權並使我從邪惡的中國共產黨的控制下得到解脫。你們所有人的鼓勵對我來說是珍貴的,它給了我力量和勇氣。我努力尋求自由已經許多年了 。我的行動證明了中共是不能夠控制中國人的良心的。 那些還在被中共機器禁錮着的無辜靈魂們,應該走出並擺脫中共的精神牢籠和共產枷鎖,現在就是打碎和衝破束縛你們身心的鎖鏈的時刻。和我一樣,擁抱自由,走出陰暗,迎接新的生活,不管這條路有多艱難,正義和人權將贏得勝利。讓我們勇敢的攜起手來,擺脫所有的中共政權帶給我們的恐懼和悲痛。自由和人權是我們中國人最緊迫需要的,讓我們自己最終得到解放。 謝謝大家。