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【人民报消息】(人民报记者肖辛报道)《我们人民大会》(We The People Convention,以下简称WTPC)2020年12月1日在报纸《华盛顿时报》(Washington Times)上刊登全页广告,强硬发声: 「我们人民大会」刊登广告:戒严总比内战好! 现在,美国最高法院多数大法官表现的如同林肯总统当政时的表现,很多人为了自身与家庭的安全,购枪率激增,达到40%,而一些黑暗势力控制的州把数千名刑事重犯放出监狱,让他们帮助投拜登的票,让他们帮助扰乱社会。此时WTPC的呼吁显的极为重要。 现在美国的局势非常明了,黑白善恶无法调和,川普总统必须下定决心,为了国家与人民,走林肯总统当年的路,才能真正、彻底的挽救美国。 以下是WTPC全页广告的中文全文:

可能需要行使特别权力来捍卫我们的选票,因为戒严总比内战好! 林肯总统在内战开始后的几个月里,都在设法维护联邦。许多人反对林肯使用总统特别权力,特别是反对他中止了「人身保护令」的权利。1863年6月12日,林肯在《纽约时报》上发表的一封信中为自己的极端措施辩护。他援引《宪法》第一条自我辩护:「我们的案件是叛乱……事实上,这是一个明确的、公然的和巨大的叛乱案件;宪法规定『人身保护令的特权不得中止,但在叛乱或入侵、公共安全可能需要时除外_』,是专门适用于本案的规定。」林肯在为一系列总统特别命令辩护时使用了同样的推理: 林肯下令关闭数百家反对他的北方报纸,并逮捕其所有者和编辑。 林肯下令逮捕俄亥俄州国会议员克莱门特-瓦兰迪加姆,罪名是公开反对他。 美国首席大法官罗杰-塔尼裁定,林肯非法中止人身保护令,违反了美国宪法。林肯听了这番话,签署了逮捕令,逮捕了美国首席大法官。 林肯下令在马里兰州逮捕数千人,罪名是「涉嫌同情南方」,包括下令逮捕来自马里兰州的国会议员亨利-梅。这些人未经审判就被逮捕并关押在军事监狱,其中一些人被关押了数年。 尽管至今仍有人在为这些措施争论,但没有人不同意林肯是职责所在,他使用总统权力是为拯救共和国。纵观历史,即使前总统奥巴马都认为林肯可能是我们最伟大的总统,但在当时他采取这些行动时,很少有人会同意。当时和现在一样,需要一位有勇气有决心的总统来维护联邦。当前,美国所面临的国际和国内(极左)威胁,比林肯当年以及整个历史上所面临的威胁还要严重得多,其中包括内战。 「安提法」和「黑命贵」,这些受到资金充分资助的、经过武装训练的极左份子,被战略部署在我们的主要城市中,公开地以暴力行动压制他们反美宣传的反对者。他们袭击联邦建筑和警察,懦弱地袭击无辜者的后脑勺,袭击在餐馆吃饭的人,把少数民族拥有的企业烧毁。在民主党控制的城市中,民选官员公开鼓励这种针对平民和企业的有组织的暴力。然后,为了推进他们的事业,这些极左分子正在采取行动「解散警察」,制造混乱,破坏法治,让千千万万的普通美国人,特别是少数族裔无法得到保护。其结果是我们的城市暴力犯罪和死亡人数大量增加,小型企业遭到破坏,这些都是那些左翼政客和团体策划的,其中许多受到国内和国际敌人的资助。我们受到了来自内部的攻击! 还有一些公认的民主党联邦官员,打算完全废除美国宪法,类似努力已经尝试了100年。他们承诺剥夺言论自由、宗教自由和第二修正案等重要的个人权利。通过取消选举团等来破坏各州的权利;让最高法院拥有积极的反宪政法官,让法官制定法律;给予数千万非美国人投票权;向更多的非法移民开放边境,而这必将降低工资。没有人投票支持这些政策,但这些政策被腐败的媒体瞒着,不让大多数美国人知道。我们不仅有像林肯时代一样腐败的媒体,我们在大科技领域还有一种新的、更邪恶的媒体形式:积极审查言论自由,进行左派宣传,蒙蔽我们公民的眼睛,让我们看不到他们的真正目标和他们行动的实际后果──这就是美国末日。 自从奥巴马在2008-2016年承诺并试图「改造」美国以来,民主党左派一直公开致力于摧毁美国,被美国人民选下台后,他们公开发动了长达四年的政变,试图罢免正式当选的总统。在这次腐败的、已证实欺诈的大选中,他们的政变更是登峰造极。他们计划用非法的、违宪的方式剥夺美国人民最神圣的荣誉、权利和特权──这就是选举代表的权利!如果我们不能举行公正的选举来选举我们的代表,我们怎么能有一个有代表性的共和国呢?毫无疑问,这次对选举的窃取又「是叛乱……事实上,是一个明显、公然和巨大的叛乱案件」,需要行使特别的权力来维护我们的联邦。 川普总统,你和我们的地方、州和联邦政府的所有其他官员,以及执法部门和军队中的每一个人都曾宣誓过:「我将支持和捍卫美国宪法,反对所有外国和国内的敌人。」现在是每个宣誓者付诸行动的时候了。敌人就在我们的大门之内,我们的宪法和国家都面临着被极左分子入侵的真正危险,除非你们果断地采取行动。 至少一半的美国人现在不接受,将来也不会接受这次选举舞弊,因为我们有人证、物证和统计和数学证据来证明这是一种改变大选结果的舞弊。如果法庭看到舞弊的证据,合法地推翻选举,另一半人不会接受结果!几个月来,左派一直在策划骚乱。我们人民现在决不能、将来也绝不会放弃我们选举代表担任法官、律师、法院、州长、国务卿、国会议员的专属宪法权利!即使受到腐败的选举官员和地方政客、腐败的媒体或左翼暴力威胁,也不会放弃!我们有着不可剥夺的权利来决定我们的代表,而不是他们的代表!因此,我们人民必须要求重新进行公平的全国性选举,一个所有美国人都可以信任和安心的选举,无论胜利者是谁!如果没有公平的投票,我们有充分的理由担心,一场内战的威胁迫在眉睫。枪枝销售处于历史最高水平,40%的人是第一次拥有枪枝,打算用枪来进行生命、财产和权利的捍卫。因此,总统先生,在还来得及用和平的方式来维护我们的联邦时,你现在必须采取行动。 当立法者、法院和或国会未能履行宪法第12修正案规定的职责时,总统先生,你必须准备好立即宣布一种有限的戒严法,并暂时中止宪法和文官对联邦选举的控制,其唯一目的是让军方监督全国重新投票。确保在每个司法管辖区进行公正选举并反映人民真实意愿的投票。仅限联邦候选人。仅限纸票。不使用电脑。每一次投票都由双方共同计票。只限于注册选民。须有照片证明、居住身分。就像我们在俄亥俄州一样,投票时每个人都戴着口罩,相距6英尺。只有这样,获胜的候选人才能被接受为合法的胜选者。我们人民真正的多数人才能同意接受治理!不幸的是,我们现在只能相信我们的军队会这么做,因为我们腐败的政治阶层和法院已经证明他们没有能力在法律允许的范围内公平行事。 你还必须像林肯那样,让那些媒体停止它们旨在影响选举结果的破坏性的片面宣传,终止大技术公司的非法审查,恢复美国人民对选举进程的信心,否则我们就这个国家就不复存在。如果不这样做,可能会造成自内战以来从未出现过的大规模暴力和破坏。有限戒严显然是比内战更好的选择! 许多人会反对这些行动,就像有很多人反对林肯所做的那样,但我们向你保证,我们人民明白,不如此,不足以防止我们丧失宪法规定的选举权和维护我们的共和国。是时候履行你的誓言了,总统先生。现在是你大胆行动、像林肯那样拯救我们国家的时候了。我们人民将支持全国重新投票。如果你不在你的权力范围内捍卫我们的权利,我们将别无选择,只能自己处理问题,自己维护我们自己的权利。△ 英文原文全文如下: WTPC Calls for Trump to Declare Limited Martial Law Exercising Extraordinary Authority in Defense of Our Vote May be Required because Martial Law is better than Civil War! In the months following the start of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln struggled to preserve the Union. Many objected to Lincoln’s extraordinary use of Presidential authority, in particular his suspension of the right of “Habeas Corpus”. On June 12, 1863 Lincoln defended his extreme measures in a letter published in the New York Times. Citing Article I of the Constitution he argued: “Ours is a case of rebellion…in fact, a clear, flagrant, and gigantic case of rebellion; and the provision of the Constitution that ‘the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it’, is the provision which specifically applies to our present case.” Lincoln used the same reasoning in justifying a series of extraordinary Presidential Orders: Lincoln ordered hundreds of Northern newspapers that spoke against him to be shut down and their owners and editors arrested. Lincoln ordered the arrest of Ohio Congressman Clement Vallandigham for the crime of speaking out against him. Chief Justice of the US Roger Taney ruled that Lincoln had violated the US Constitution when he illegally suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus. After hearing this Lincoln signed an arrest warrant to have the Chief Justice of the U.S. arrested. Lincoln ordered the arrest of thousands in Maryland for the crime of “suspected Southern sympathies” including ordering the arrest of US Congressman Henry May from Maryland. These people were arrested and held in military prisons, without trial, some of them for years. While some debate these measures still today, no one disagrees that Lincoln and his use of Presidential power were responsible for saving the Republic. While History, and even former President Obama, has judged Lincoln as perhaps our greatest President, few would have agreed at the time he took those actions. Then, as now, a President with courage and determination was needed to preserve the Union. Today, the current threat to our United States by the international and domestic socialist/communist left is much more serious than anything Lincoln or our nation has faced in its history - including the civil war. We have well-funded, armed and trained marxists in ANTIFA and BLM strategically positioned in our major cities acting openly with violence to silence opposition to their anti-American agenda. Attacking federal buildings and police, cowardly punching innocent people in the back of the head, assaulting people just eating in restaurants, and burning minority-owned businesses to the ground. All with elected officials in Democrat/Socialist-controlled cities openly encouraging this planned violence against civilians and businesses. Then, to advance their cause, these socialists are acting to “Defund the Police,” creating chaos and suspending the rule of law that protects millions of average, and particularly minority, Americans. The results being massive increases in violent crime and deaths in our cities and the destruction of small businesses orchestrated by those politicians and leftist groups, many funded by domestic and international communists. We are literally under attack from within! Then there are admitted Democrat/Socialist federal officials plotting to finish gutting the US Constitution after 100 years of trying. They promise to take away critical individual rights like free speech, religious freedom and the 2nd Amendment; destroy states rights by eliminating the electoral college and more; pack the Supreme Court with activist anti-constitutionalist judges who will make law from the bench; give the right to vote to tens of millions of non Americans; and open our borders to more illegals which will reduce wages. No one voted for these things that were hidden from the majority of Americans by the corrupt media. Not only do we have corrupt media, like in Lincoln’s day, we have a new and more sinister form of media in Big Tech, actively censoring free speech and promoting leftist propaganda to blind our citizens to their real goals and the real consequences of their actions- the end of America as we have known it. The Socialist Left has been openly working to destroy the United States since Obama promised and tried to “transform” America in 2008-16, and having been stopped by the will of the American people, they openly staged a four year long coup attempt to remove the duly elected President. Culminating in this corrupt and provably fraudulent current election planned to illegally and un-constitutionally deny the American people their most sacred honor, right and privilege - which is the right to elect their Representatives! How can we have a Representative Republic if we cannot hold fair elections to elect our Representatives? There is no doubt that this attempted stealing of these elections again “is a case of rebellion…in fact, a clear, flagrant, and gigantic case of rebellion” that requires exercising extraordinary authority to preserve our Union. President Trump, you and every other official in our local, state and federal governments, and everyone in law enforcement and in our military have sworn an oath that says “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” It is time for everyone who swore that oath to act upon it. The enemies are within our gates and our Constitution and Nation are in real risk of being lost to this socialist/communist invasion unless you act decisively. At least half of all Americans do not and will not accept this fraudulent election because of the eyewitness testimony, and the material, statistical and mathematical evidence of OVERWHELMING fraud. The other half will not accept the outcome if the courts see the evidence of fraud and rightfully overturn the election! The Left has literally been planning riots just for that occasion for months. We the People must not and WILL NOT cede our exclusive Constitutional right to elect our Representatives to judges, lawyers, courts, Governors, Secretary’s of State, Congress, corrupt election officials and local politicians, the corrupt media - or Leftist threats of violence! It is OUR EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to decide our Representatives not theirs! Therefore, We the People MUST demand a NEW and fair national vote, a vote that all Americans can trust and live by regardless of the winner! Without a fair vote, we fear, with good reason, the threat of a shooting civil war is imminent. Gun sales are at an all time high and 40% are first time gun owners looking to defend themselves, their property, and their rights. Therefore, Mr. President you must act now before there is no peaceful way left to preserve our Union. When the legislators, courts and/or Congress fail to do their duty under the 12th Amendment, you must be ready Mr. President to immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote. A vote that assures a fair election in every jurisdiction and reflects the true will of the people. Federal candidates only. Paper ballots. No computers. Hand-counted with both parties watching every vote. Only registered voters. Photo ID to prove residence. Conducted safely with everyone wearing masks and six feet apart, just like we did in Ohio. Only then can the winning candidate be accepted as legitimate by a true majority of We the People who must give our consent to be justly governed! Unfortunately we are at a point where we can only trust our military to do this because our corrupt political class and courts have proven their inability to act fairly and within the law. You must also act, like Lincoln did, to silence the destructive media’s one-sided propaganda designed and proven to influence the election outcome, and end the unlawful censorship of Big Tech, to restore the confidence of the American People in our electoral process or we cannot continue as a nation. Failure to do so could result in massive violence and destruction on a level not seen since the Civil War. Limited Martial Law is clearly a better option than Civil War! Many will object to these actions, as they did in Lincoln’s day, but we assure you that We the People understand that no less action will suffice to prevent the loss of our Constitutional right to vote and preserve our Republic. It is time to honor your oath, Mr. President. It is time for you to boldly act to save our nation as Lincoln did. We the People will support a national re-vote. We will also have no other choice but to take matters into our own hands, and defend our rights on our own, if you do not act within your powers to defend us.△
文章网址: http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2020/12/12/71838.html



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